Day 1: Reframe | Colossians 3:1-2 NIV

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

For reflection:

As we move into a new year, Jesus invites us to take notice of where our hearts and minds are focused, to be intentional and to reframe into His way. In our passage, Paul points us toward God, to His truth, promises, and eternal perspective. But how do we set our minds and hearts on Him, to begin to see our reality and experiences His way?

I reflect on what has been occupying my thoughts and attention. Are issues with work or school, people, finances, news, politics…weighing on me? Am I feeling settled (or shaken)? Concerned or at peace; content, discontent? Hopeful or discouraged by the reality I see? Are there judgments I am repeating to myself or others? Do they align with what God says about me or about what is good? I re-read and notice the beginning of this passage: Since then we have been raised with Christ. We have been raised to new life from God through the power of the Holy Spirit. With You, Lord.

We pray:

Thank you, Lord, for your grace and truth, your word; the gift of your presence and the opportunity to see ourselves and our lives from your perspective. Thank you for raising me to new life in You. Would you help me notice when I am being consumed by circumstances and wants. Help me to see a reality that is bigger than my challenges and concerns. Would you grow my awareness of where I am focusing my thoughts, my heart and mind. And would you reframe my perspective and retune my lenses and filters so that I see, hear and speak from your heart. Would you help right-size my insecurities, outrage, disappointments, and fear, and strengthen my hope, faith, and trust in You, embracing your view, your words, your love. In Jesus's name, we pray. Amen.

God, I wonder what you see when you look at me?

I wonder what fully abiding looks like?

I wonder what you will help me see as I live into the closeness and truth that I have risen anew with you?

Abide: Remaining with God | 21 Days of prayer | January 5-25, 2025

Abide: Remaining with God

Jesus invites us to connect our hearts with His. Let’s move into 2025 with intention as we seek to be with Him throughout our days. During this time, we will refocus our attention, intentions, and energy; remember His presence, promises, and where we have seen Him move; as He restores us in His way and timing. Passages and reflections are released daily beginning January 5th.

Day 8: Sunday, 9/15/24: Colossians 3:1, 8-10 NLT

Renewal In Our Relationships

As we enter Week 2, we pray seeking God’s renewal in our relationships. I pause and reflect on my close relationships. Where is there unity and connection? Where are pockets of angst, disunity, judgment, impatience, disconnection bubbling up? I ask God to open my perspective, to help bring renewal, healing and strength.