SELF-CONTROL (3): Sermon Prep Guide

READ Matthew 12:43-45

What strikes you? What challenges you? What encourages you? 

How do you see these verses as being related to self-control? 

If, as Dan's been preaching, self-control is more about relying on God's strength rather than exerting our own will-power, how does this parable support this message? 


In the last sentence of these verses, Jesus points the parable directly at the generation before Him, one that is hearing His teachings but not choosing to enter into His Kingdom. In what areas of Jesus' teaching through His scriptures, through the teaching of the church, or through the Spirit's message to your own heart is a lesson being preached that you are not letting in to your "house"?

Are there areas of your life where you have obediently repented of sin, cleansed your life of sinful habits, but not replaced those behaviors with positive full life of the Spirit of God? Put another way, in emptying your life of the bad, where might you be also closing off the power of the Spirit to flow in and through you to re-fill your emptiness with the Spirit's goodness?  


What does God desire to fill your house with? 

GENTLENESS (2): Sermon Prep Guide

For an overview of the book of Jeremiah, check out this video:

You can also use this poster as a reference/overview: CLICK HERE FOR POSTER

[OPTIONAL BONUS QUESTION:] A few weeks ago, Dan preached on the story of Jonah [if you missed it, the whole book of Jonah in the bible is a short one and a great read, so check it out!]. How would you compare and contrast these two, Jeremiah and Jonah, prophets' stories? Which guy would you rather be? 

READ Jeremiah 1:4-10

What was Jeremiah's call? Would hearing Jeremiah's message feel gentle to you? 

READ Jeremiah 11:18-20

How did the Israelite's receive Jeremiah's message?

Definition: Gentleness

  • Humility, yielding, submissive, enduring injury with patience and without resentment
  • Opposites: prideful, self reliant, violent, avoidant

What is the picture of Gentleness in this passage? Is it attractive, desirable? 

Who is Jeremiah Gentle toward? 

Jeremiah's warnings fell on deaf [and hostile] ears. Israel was led off into exile. But with their former covenant wasted, God, in His grace, established a new covenant.

Check out the new covenant, READ Jeremiah 31:33-34

What strikes you? Do you see any Gentleness in God through the announcement of this new covenant? 

How is this new covenant fulfilled? [short cut hint: see Hebrews 10:14-17]

How is it possible for Gentleness to flow through us? [for a hint, see Acts 2]

How is Jeremiah's Gentleness related to our own Gentleness?