Sermon Prep for Nov. 2: Luke 24:13-34

Week 5 of Breaking Bread: Luke 24:13-34

Getting to Know you: What is your favorite way to enjoy something bready? (what type of bread? What add on’s/dips? What condition – fresh out of the oven? Toasted?)


Day 1:

Getting to know the Bible: Read Luke 24.13-34 (Jesus revealed on the Road to Emmaus)

How does Jesus minister to the men in this story?

What makes these men recognize Jesus?

Bonus question: Who was Cleopas? Who else is he connected to? How did they experience the resurrection?


How do I apply myself to these messages?

How does this story paint a picture of hope for you personally?


Day 2:

Getting to know the Bible: Read Exodus 16 (Bread from Heaven)

Why did God start sending manna to the Israelites?

Describe the Israelites attitude and degrees of gratitude throughout the chapter.

What do you learn about God/about yourself, from the instructions about how it was to be eaten?

Do you recognize Jesus in this story?


How do I apply myself to these messages?

How does this impact how you pray about your “daily bread”? [see Matthew 6:11]


Day 3:

Getting to know the Bible: Read John 6 (The Bread from Heaven)

How is this story like the one in Exodus 16? (the manna)

How is this story like the stories recounting the Last Supper? (Matthew 26.17-30; Mark 14.12-26; Luke 23.1-24)

Who do people recognize Jesus to be in this chapter [there are atleast 3 instances of recognition/identification]?

How do I apply myself to these messages?

How does this passage inform how you understand or would experience communion?


Day 4:

Getting to know the Bible: Re-read Luke 24.13-34 (Jesus revealed on the Road to Emmaus)

Why do people recognize Jesus to be in this chapter?

What does this post-resurrection story do to tell you the full historical picture/purpose of communion?


How do I apply myself to these messages?

How does this passage inform how you understand or would experience communion?


Looking for more? Check out “Shift with Louie Giglio, SESSION 3: Jesus Is Enough For Today” on Right Now Media for a great sermon about Jesus being the bread that sustains us. If you don’t have a login yet for Right Now Media, just email Lisa Wells <>.