Sermon Prep. for Sept. 7: Ephesians 2.1-10: Saved by Grace

This coming Sunday, we will re-enter our sermon series on Ephesians. If you would like to prepare for Sunday's sermon, you are welcome to use the below study guide as a resource. This guide will also instruct our community group discussions. To join a group, contact

Ephesians 2.1-10: Saved by grace


Getting to know you: Recount a memorable walk or hike you’ve taken that involved following a guide. What was the setting like? What was your guide like? What made the walk memorable?


Pray that God would open "the eyes of your innermost self" (Eph. 1:17) to God's light.


Day 1:

Getting to know the Bible: Read Ephesians 2.1-10

Write down your initial impressions.

What one word sticks out to you most in this passage?

You and the Bible: From what do you need Christ to save you?

Try sketching a picture of you traveling on a road based on these verses.


Day 2:

Getting to know the Bible: Read Isaiah 30.18-22

Based on this passage, how do you think God feels about showing you grace and mercy?

You and the Bible: How does this passage make you feel about walking in God’s way?


Day 3:

Getting to know the Bible: Read Psalm 1

Express verse 3 in your own way [whatever suits you: write, draw, graph, sing . . .]

You and the Bible: How does this passage make you feel about the idea of walking in God’s way?


Day 4:

Getting to know the Bible: Read Luke 7.36-50

If Jesus says that in serving “the least of these,” we serve Him (Matt. 25:40), how might the woman in this story show us how to serve “the least of these?”

You and the Bible: How much have you been forgiven?


Day 5:

Getting to know the Bible: Re-Read Ephesians 2.1-10

Does a new one-word stick out to you in this passage after spending time in the others? What’s the difference between works-based-salvation and salvation-based-works?

You and the Bible: Why were you made alive? For what purpose(s)? (vs. 10)