Groups Starting Up!

The leaves are changing and North Harbor is full of opportunities to plug into our community and experience transformation together. If you are interested in any of the following opportunities, contact to learn more or sign up. 

This week, our new Communities Under Development held their first meetings. New members are still welcome to join them as they dig into the sermon content together on Tuesdays (Funderburks' home), Wednesdays (church office), and Thursdays (Whitneys' home) at 7:30pm. 

On September 24, Pastor Dan Wells will begin a new training on Scripture Meditation, the spiritual discipline practiced by most of our discipleship groups. But this training will ONLY happen IF we have sufficient sign ups, so sign up ASAP! 

Also on September 24, we launch our first Commission Team!

  • NEW Commission Team: Kingdom Come
    Join us as we explore what poverty is and how we can help as Christians. We'll be using When Helping Hurts (both in book and video format); as well as, moving beyond the theoretical to practically address poverty in our own backyard and beyond. If you have a heart for serving but want to be challenged to think differently about a healthy, Christ-like approach to poverty alleviation, this group is for you! Bring your passions; bring your ideas! We'll be meeting weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30 at the Lilly's house in Topsham.