What Sort of Man: Connected

Getting to Know You:

Find a quiet place where you can be alone. Turn off music and other noise around you. Set a timer for 5 minutes and sit in solitude and silence until the timer goes off. Write some bullet points or notes about what this silence was like for you. How did it feel? How did you body react? What did you think about?

Getting to Know the Bible:

Read Luke 6:12-13. What strikes you? What encourages you? What questions does it raise?

Read Mark 1:35-39. What strikes you? What encourages you? What questions does it raise?

Read Matthew 14:13-14, 22-24. What strikes you? What encourages you? What questions does it raise?

What do you observe about Jesus' pattern of behavior?

What follows Jesus' time of solitude in each episode? What does this teach you about solitude and silence?

What sort of man is this Jesus?

Applying yourself to this message:

Set a timer for 5 minutes again. Use this time to pray and meditate on Jesus. Who is He? How does who He is bless your life? How might your own solitude be a potential gift to Him?