Top Ten (Sermon Prep for November 22)

Getting to Know You: What are you top ten favorite ways to relax?

Getting to Know The Bible:

It's easy to confuse familiarity with true knowledge. Everyone has heard of the ten commandments, but do you really know them? Try to write out the ten commandments without cheating by looking them up.

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Which commandment do you feel like is the most important? Which feels like the second most important?

Ok, now you can look and see how well you did. Read Exodus 20:1-17. List out the ten commandments:

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Who issued the ten commandments? What do you learn about this individual in verses 1-2? What do you learn about who this person is in verses 3-7?

Take a look at the balance of word count as its spread out over the commandments. Which commandment is given the most weight in word use? Does this surprise you? Does this make sense to you? What does this say to you?

Where is grace in all of this?

Applying Myself to this Message:

What are the top ten priorities in your life?

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Does the way you live your life mirror the priorities illustrated in the way the ten commandments are written?  What do you need to confess to God? What is one way you can make a change this week to shift your own priorities to honor God more fully?

How does grace empower you to live a life more fully honoring to God?

Read Exodus 20:18-20. How do the Israelites respond to the ten commandments? Through songs we sing at church we often say things like, "Speak to us LORD! Be with us in this place!" Have you ever considered what it was that we were asking for when we sing things like that? Why is the reaction from the Israelites so different? How does their reaction inform how mindful we need to be about what we ask for? How does this impact your own desire?