Service Opportunity

North Harbor Community has a great opportunity to serve a local family from the Congo by providing them with rides to their English classes.   This family, three adult children and their mother, are taking ESL classes at Merrymeeting Adult Education (one block from the Orion) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9AM - 12 noon and need rides to and from class.   They live at the former Base housing complex in Cook's Corner Brunswick.  We currently have three individuals providing rides but we really need several more drivers to help cover the schedule.  Drivers must have enough seats in their vehicle for four adults and be available to pick the family up at 8:40AM at Cook's Corner and / or bring them home after class atnoon.  This family is a real blessing to be with and are very grateful for any assistance provided.  If you are interested in learning more please email or call Pastor Dan [] ASAP as we need drivers immediately.