Your Kingdom Come: 2 Service Opportunities

1) Habitat for Humanity: Saturday, 28 March

The United Methodist Church will be doing a service day with Habitat this coming Saturday and there is room for 5 or 6 more volunteers to merge with their team. It is a great way to get introduced to what HFH Seven Rivers ME is working on. For the first 6 folks to email me [] I can put you in touch with their team leader to sign you up. (Note: youth under 15 are not permitted on the construction site).

Here're the details:

When: Saturday, 28 March, 8:15am – 3:30 pm (or as long as you are able to stay)

Where: The build site is on Sills Rd (Rt. 123) near Hope Lane. (heading towards Cook’s Corner from Maine St take a right on Sills Rd/Rt 123. Look for the build site 0.7 miles on the left.

What to bring: work clothing and shoes, your own food and water, your own tool belt—if you have one.

What will we do? The exterior of the house is nearly completed, we will be working on the interior (i.e. drywall, painting, and light carpentry). It is normal to separate groups into teams that work on different chores based on skills.

Email me [] I can put you in touch with their team leader to sign you up!

2) Double Mileage: Rides for Students 

I want to give a huge shout out to the awesome folks of North Harbor who have been volunteering to provide rides for a local Congolese family seeking to gain English speaking skills at Merrymeeting Adult Ed. With Dan and Lisa leading the way in willingness, a host of other partners [4 people every week] have stepped up to cover even just a one way ride here and there when they can so this family can get to class twice/week - and with each person's small contribution, our congregation has been covering their transportation successfully all semester. Y'all rock! 

Excited and inspired by your friends? Want to join in their generous effort? You can email Paul Elisha [husband to our beloved Elsbeth] to be added to the team's email list where they coordinate sign ups each week. Paul: .

This family, three adult children and their mother, are taking ESL classes at Merrymeeting Adult Education (one block from the Orion) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9AM - 12 noon and need rides to and from class.   They live at the former Base housing complex in Cook's Corner Brunswick.  We currently have three individuals providing rides but we really need several more drivers to help cover the schedule.  Drivers must have enough seats in their vehicle for four adults and be available to pick the family up at 8:40AM at Cook's Corner and / or bring them home after class at noon.  This family is a real blessing to be with and are very grateful for any assistance provided. 

Can't offer rides but still want to help? Maybe you have an available vehicle, could chip in on gas money, or have another creative idea? email zoe:

What could you give up to serve God's Kingdom?