Missional Opportunity

Our North Harbor Partner, Jenn Hallowell is an outpatient therapist at Gardiner Regional Middle School. With only $300 each year to spend on supplies, she uses her personal funds to make available things like markers, glitter, candy, art supplies, batteries for the air hockey table, games, materials to make therapeutic tools, etc. 


We can help her out in her Kingdom Work of bringing healing to these youth by providing donations of: glitter, glue, glitter glue, washi tape, old magazines for collages [even partially used is welcome!], metal or wooden brain teasers, thinking putty, snacks [or funds for purchasing snacks - as many of her clients have no other access to food throughout the day]. 


You can bring your donations in on Sunday mornings, label it for "Missionary Jenn," and personally deliver to Jenn - ask her about her work while you're at it - it's challenges and joys and where she sees God showing up in her labor!  Or deliver to Zoe Reyes. [you can contact me: zoefaithreyes@gmail.com with any questions]