FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: Sermon Prep Guide

This week, Dan will both be giving us a State of the Church address as well as revisiting the overarching theme of the Fruit of the Spirit. In preparation for this sermon, I invite the congregation into communal prayer. 

Let us pray for the health and well-being of North Harbor, that it might exist to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to ultimately bring God glory. As you pray, listen for what God might have you know about your place in His Body, your place in the Harbor, or what He would have you pray for on North Harbor's behalf. What are you thankful for with regards to the North Harbor Community?

READ Galatians 5.16-23

As you continue to pray over North Harbor, as God to show you where, in whom, the Fruit of His Spirit is being born. Who exhibits love? Joy? Peace? Patience? Kindness? Goodness? Gentleness? Faithfulness? Self-control? How is the Spirit working His transformation in your own life? How are you blessed by this fruit? How is God glorified by these people who live by the Spirit? 

READ Isaiah 55 [especially verses 8-12; super especially verse 11]

Considering the Fruit of the Spirit being born in North Harbor, how do you see the life of the Spirit accomplishing God's purposes among and around our congregation? 

Like the trees of the field in the Isaiah passage, let us go out and clap our hands! Let us worship God for He is alive and active at North Harbor. He is alive and active in our midst!
