GOODNESS: Sermon Prep Guide

READ Mark 5:1-20

Describe the condition of the man who approaches Jesus in this passage.

In your assessment, is the condition of this man right or wrong? 

What does Jesus do in reaction to this encounter? 

At the end of the story, is the man's condition right or wrong?  

What do we learn about who Jesus is through this story? 

Re-read verse 4. Now re-read verse 19. What might it have meant for him to re-enter his community, now set free by the Most High God, as Legion called him, and tamed by Jesus' compassion?  

With regards to the Fruit of the Spirit, Goodness is righteousness in action. Goodness boldly does what’s right, and encourages others to do good as well. An act of goodness might be seen as "setting things right." How do you see Jesus demonstrating Goodness in this story? 

Where do you see the Fruit of Goodness flowing forth from people who dwell in the Spirit? [other stories in scripture are great, AND also try to come up with examples of people you interact with directly in person too]

What is it like to taste the Fruit of Goodness [be on the receiving end of the Spirit's outpouring through another] like that? What does it mean to encounter the type of God who would aim to indwell those who love Him AND flow through them to bless others in that way?