Humans of North Harbor #5: Ruth and Logan Perry

[For an introduction to Humans of North Harbor, click here]

Awashed in Grace

Ruth grew up in a conservative evangelical family.  Her dad was a pastor, a missionary, and she was home-schooled.  Her whole life revolved around the church. Logan grew up Pentecostal.  Spirituality was tightly intertwined with life on the farm that he grew up on.  He says he carries a determination to have a heart ready for God that he learned from this faith background.

Ruth had an experience with God where she felt Him calling her to co-pastor a church with her husband, Logan.  That was over seven years ago. She learned over years of waiting that just because God gives you a vision it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen tomorrow.  She learned to pursue the training that she would need for this calling, and persevere through times when she didn’t see this vision clearly happening or hear from God.  Through this time of waiting and preparing God was readying her for their current place as they recently left North Harbor for Logan to pastor a church in Virginia.  Ruth finishes her course work to become a pastor this spring.

She also has learned about grace and what it is like to experience God’s grace.  She has had to re-learn from her childhood that there are not strings attached to her faith, and she does not have to act a certain way for God to love her.  “I always knew that God is love and I loved God and that was the center of my Christian faith all along, but I was 32 years old before I felt awashed in God’s grace and love and re-centered my identity as a child of God who is beloved by God.”

Ruth appreciates Christian community because it meets our human need to belong.  "We have a tribe and don’t have to pretend, but can be accepted wherever we are." Logan enjoys the balance at North Harbor of sound truth but also open and honest hearts.  He likes that we agree on essential issues, but are open to dialogue on the nonessentials and can discuss them lovingly.

We miss seeing these faces every week!  Watch them and their story below.

Ruth and Logan Perry lived in Boothbay and attended North Harbor with their three kids.   Last fall they moved to Virginia to pastor a church. We continue to pray for their transition and ministry there.

I wonder...what are the truths that have been brought forward into my adult faith from my upbringing?  What things were unhelpful in my faith background that I have had to re-learn as an adult?
I wonder...have I experienced being awashed in God’s grace and love?  What is it like?
I I feel that I am fully accepted in my Christian community at North Harbor?  If yes, how can I help others feel belonging in our community? If not, what would need to change and/or what can I do to help this change?

Written by Elaine DeFreitas

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