Advent Resources

Advent is coming soon! Taking advantage of Advent as a season truly helps maintain our centeredness in the Christmas season being a time to celebrate, above all else [though certainly with other good things as well!] the miraculous incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. We've begun to compile some potential advent resources you or your family might like to take advantage of in this season. Do you have other resources or traditions you employ in expectation of the coming Christ at Christmas? Please share in the comments! 

From Christina Milazzo: The Story of Christmas Advent Calendar 

From Lisa Wells: A new Christmas album I've been loving from Sovereign Grace (the KC kids and FG students will be doing the song Prepare Him Room for our Christmas service on Dec. 21st):

From Graham Buck: The Rhythms Project (they have a Lent/Easter guide as well):

From Christ Church East Bay in California: Come Lord Jesus: songs of Advent

From Page CXVI:  Advent to Christmas, Page CXVI [another advent album, you have to scroll down a touch for that post, includes chord charts for the musically inclined ;) They also have albums for the other liturgical seasons, remaking of traditional hymns, and a lullaby album as well]

And if you follow this Advent dropbox link you'll find the following: 

1) Jesse Tree Advent Guide [by Ann Voskamp, inspirational for adults year after year, and yet the stories and ornaments also make it accessible and engaging for even young kids] 

2) Christ Church Advent Guide [uses some traditional/liturgical resources, has considerations for families]

3) God is in the Manger [mp3's that go through advent with excerpts/reflections by Dietrich Bonhoeffer]