Community Interests Survey

As we enter into a new sermon series, Thy Kingdom Come, we are continuing to compile a map of the assets in our community to understand how we might offer our own gifts and talents to meet the needs of our fellow North Harborites as well as members of our larger community. If you didn't have a chance to fill out the survey on Sunday, or have had further thoughts since, please use the below survey to share your responses with us. Thank you in advance for the love you show in filling this survey out! 

Note to the congregation: Our church is exploring new ways of sharing God's love in word and deed with our local area. We want to learn more about your interests and experiences in outreach. We appreciate you taking time to answer these questions. You can print this out and put it in the offering box on Sunday or into the hands of a church staff person [ideally Zoë Reyes]; or you can copy and paste this text into a word document, type in your answers, save as your name_Ministry Interests survey, and email to  

Name: ________________________                                                                                                 

Phone:_______________   Email: _____________________                                                          


1. What aspects of community outreach are most important to you? (Check the 3 that most apply)
o Make this a better community for all residents
o Show compassion to people in need
oShare the Gospel with people
oWork for justice in our community and world
oUse my gifts, skills and time in ways that matter
oEngage in ministry together as a family
oGive thanks for what God has done for me
oGet to know people in the church and community
oDeepen my faith through service
oOther: __________________________ 

2. What might hold you back from participating in an outreach ministry? (Check all that apply)
o I’m too busy
oI'm already involved with other church ministries and activities
oThis isn't important to me
o I don’t think I’m gifted or called in this area
oI don't know what to do
oI had a bad experience in the past
oOther: __________________________ 

3. Is there a local concern or area of ministry that you feel passionate about or a kind of volunteer activity you feel particularly drawn to do?

 4. What skills, training, hobbies or experiences do you have that you could share in local service? (Example: skills in graphic design; training in real estate; gardening; camp counseling experience)


5. What current or past experiences have you had as a community ministry volunteer (for example, tutoring, visiting a nursing home, or serving meals at a homeless shelter)? What nonprofits or ministries have you been involved with in the Midcoast Maine area? Share what made this a positive or negative experience.


6. What questions might you have about why or how we can engage in local outreach ministry?


7.Would you like someone to follow up with you about your current ministry involvement or about specific ministry opportunities as they develop? [be sure you’ve included your name/contact info!]
o Yes                  oNo

Survey written By Heidi Unruh: Congregations, Community Outreach andLeadership Development Project. Adapted for North Harbor Community Church by Zoë Reyes, Community Development Director