Partnering in Education

In effort towards community development, we are beginning to support our partners as they aim to serve the Kingdom of God with their particular gifts and talents. This could look like joining our new Commission Teams [groups working together with each other and God to be better parents of teens, better volunteers to our Surf Cove kids, and servants of our community alleviating poverty]. And it can also look like encouraging our partners in their vocations through financial support. 

North Harbor Partner, loyal Cove volunteer, and board member, Eric Funderburk pursues his vocation and serves the Kingdom of God through teaching in one of Brunswick's public 1st grade classrooms. Our community has an opportunity to encourage Eric's faithful efforts through helping to fund a better classroom reading environment for his students. The invitation to donate to Eric's fundraiser offers an opportunity to spur on a brother on in his faith, give to "the least of these" - under-resourced children in our community, faithfully steward your own gifts, and glorify God.

To learn more about how to develop your community in this way, click this link for information about the fundraiser and how to donate.