Sermon Prep for Oct. 5: Acts 10

New Sermon Series: Breaking Bread, Week 1: Acts 10.1-48

Getting to Know you: Describe a memorable meal you spent with another person or other people [be it a thanksgiving gathering, a dinner party, a date, grabbing a quick bite at a café . . . anything]. Who were you with? What do you remember about the food? What made the experience significant? 

Day 1:

Getting to know the Bible:
Pick one of these meals to read about:
Mark 2.13-17: Jesus eats with Levi (Matthew)
John 2.1-12: Jesus turns water into wine
Luke14:15-24: Parable of a great feast
Luke 19.1-10: Jesus eats with Zacchaeus

What strikes you?

How is a meal used to communicate the message of Christ? 

How do I apply myself to this message?

Compare and contrast this meal with how you normally eat.

Compare and contrast this scene with how you normally spend time with God.

Day 2:

Getting to know the Bible: Read Acts 10

What strikes you?

What time was it and what state was Peter in when he dreamt (see vs. 10)?

How is food used to communicate the message of Christ here?

How is Peter transformed through this experience?

How do I apply myself to this message?

Who do you identify with in this story? Cornelius? Peter? The Gentiles? The Jews? Why?

Day 3:

Getting to know the Bible:
Pick one of these accounts of the Last Supper to read about:
Matthew 26.17-30
Mark 14.12-26
Luke 23.1-24

What strikes you? What makes you uncomfortable? What encourages you?

Put into you own words the message you think Jesus is trying to convey in this scene.

Why do you think Jesus used a meal to communicate that message?

 How do I apply myself to this message?

What is your own experience of taking communion/the Eucharist? How does that compare and contrast with what the disciples experienced?

Day 4:

Getting to know the Bible:

Pick one of these meals to read about:

Luke 24.13-34: Jesus revealed on the Road to Emmaus

Acts 15.1-21: Jerusalem council on the inclusion of Gentiles

Revelation 19.1-10: Wedding feast of the Lamb

What strikes you?

How is a meal used to communicate the message of Christ?

What is new [since it is after the resurrection of Christ] about this meal?

How do I apply myself to this message?

After reading this passage how/why might you to give glory to God?