Peace: Week 1. Sermon Prep Mark 4:35-41

He is our PEACE

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. ~Galatians 5:22-23

READ Mark 4:35-41

What sent the disciples into the storm that scared them?

In what were the disciples putting their trust? 

What made them secure? At what point in the story did that security begin? 

What do these verses teach you about what peace is and what it looks like? 

In what do you put your trust?

READ Ephesians 2:12-14

What does peace look like in these verses? 


In these verses, what provides security? How does this source provide security?

Consider a person or people group that you identify LEAST with. What wall stands between "us" and them? What would it look like for Christ to break down that dividing wall? 


Is these presence of God ever apparent to you? What is that experience like? Does it bring you peace?

Brother Lawrence is famous for "Practicing the Presence of God." How would your daily life look different if you were seeking out and attending to God's presence in and around you?  

How do these passages inform you understanding of the fruit of the spirit? Do you feel like your life if bearing the fruit of peace [this is not an invitation to be critical, but to be attentive - to see the life of Christ growing in and through you]?