Peace Week 2 Sermon Prep

Before you settle into study, try to write out how you define PEACE.


READ Leviticus 3:6-8, and verse 11

  1. Why is this Peace Offering Happening?
  2. What is this Peace Offering accomplishing?  
  3. Is a negative thing being removed?  Is a positive thing being restored? Both?

READ Romans 4:24- 5:2.

Can  you confidently proclaim for their own lives what Paul says in these verses?

  1. If so, why do you feel as confident as Paul?  
  2. If not, what is it that prevents you from confidently declaring that you have peace with God?

Re-READ Romans 5:1-2

  1. Does Jesus remove anything negative between our relationship with God?  If so, what?
  2. Does Jesus add anything positive between our relationship with God?  If so, what?

Revisit Galatians 5:22-23

The Fruit of the Spirit is an outpouring in your life and relationships when the Spirit of God is at work within you. The above passage speak good truths on the peace Jesus makes possible between us and God. What does it look like for this peace to overflow from your life? Where do you see this fruit in others in your community? What is it like to benefit from this fruit?